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Re: SLL protocol implementation ?

> >What browsers support what
> NetScape supports SSL, Secure NCSA Mosaic (from EIT) and SPRY Mosaic support 
> Secure-HTTP.

I believe Spyglass' Enhanced MOSAIC 2.0 will also support S-HTTP.

At the ISOC conference, I asked Allan SChiffman from EIT about the 
divergence of S-HTTP, SSL, and Shen, and how he thought the protocols 
would evolve - would they converge, or would there be competing protocols?

His response was that Netscape had recently announced support for S-HTTP 
in the Netsite Commerce Server. 

This came as news to me. Can someone from NCC comment/confirm/deny this?

- Anish

Anish Bhimani		 			anish@ctt.bellcore.com        
Secure Communications & Services Group 		(908) 699-5571 (phone)
Bellcore     					(908) 336-2943 (fax)
